The Big Sur Charter School is devoted to guiding students to become intellectually curious, emotionally intelligent, environmental stewards.
Big Sur Charter School is a learning community where every member is actively engaged in pursuing personal excellence and mastery of educational goals. Home educators and teachers cooperatively work toward creating a diverse learning environment fostering mutual respect, social responsibility and resilience where students are empowered to become lifelong learners.
Big Sur Charter School was originally established to serve students and families in the Big Sur community seeking an alternative to traditional classroom-based schooling. BSCS was authorized by the Big Sur Unified School District in 2008, when a group of Big Sur parents, teachers, and community members petitioned their local school district for sponsorship of our charter. This founding group had been serving students and families in Big Sur for over a decade in a program established through Charter 25, under San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District in Santa Cruz County.
After our authorization by BSUSD, Big Sur Charter School operated programs in San Luis Obispo, Big Sur, and Monterey. The programs in San Luis Obispo and Big Sur were eventually closed due to lack of enrollment.
Our Big Sur families are now being served through our Monterey program, though we continually look for ways to provide learning opportunities in Big Sur.